A - 22
Creating a project
Connecting a controller to the GOT
Transferring data to the GOT
Obtaining the specifications and operation methods of GT Designer3
GT Designer3 Version1 Screen Design Manual
(Fundamentals) 1/2, 2/2
Setting available functions on GT Designer3
Creating a screen displayed on the GOT
Obtaining useful functions to increase efficiency of drawing
Setting details for figures and objects
GT Designer3 Version1 Screen Design Manual (Functions)
1/2, 2/2
Setting functions for the data collection or trigger action
Setting functions to use peripheral devices
Simulating a created project on a personal computer GT Simulator3 Version1 Operating Manual for GT Works3
Obtaining information of Mitsubishi products applicable to the GOT
GOT1000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Products) for
GT Works3 (ELE)
Connecting Mitsubishi products to the GOT
Connecting multiple controllers to one GOT (Multi-channel function)
Establishing communication between a personal computer and a
controller via the GOT (FA transparent function)
Obtaining information of Non-Mitsubishi products applicable to the GOT • GOT1000 Series Connection Manual (Non-Mitsubishi
Products 1) for GT Works3
• GOT1000 Series Connection Manual (Non-Mitsubishi
Products 2) for GT Works3
Connecting Non-Mitsubishi products to the GOT
Obtaining information of peripheral devices applicable to the GOT
GOT1000 Series Connection Manual (Microcomputer,
MODBUS Products, Peripherals) for GT Works3
Connecting peripheral devices including a barcode reader to the GOT
Connecting α2 with GOT
GOT1000 Series Connection Manual (α2 Connection)
for GT
Writing data to the GOT
GT Designer3 Version1 Screen Design Manual
(Fundamentals) 1/2, 2/2
Reading data from the GOT
Verifying a editing project to a GOT project