DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-190reset tape
Once this command is entered, it may not be canceled. The screen will display
the results of various initialization tests. Several conditions can prevent a
requested interchange. If the interchange fails and the message displayed is not
self-explanatory, use
status spe
to determine what caused the failure. Executing
a Planned SPE Interchange in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting’’
and STBY-SPE in Chapter 9
contain useful information for troubleshooting
interchange failures, The following display shows a typical result when
reset sys
is entered while a save operation is currently running.
reset tape
reset tape [C]
This command resets the tape circuit pack, queries the device for ID, size and
other information, initiates self testing of the device, and rewinds the tape. If
successful, all alarms active for the tape device are cleared and the device is put
back in service.
This command will abort if any other MSS operation has already begun.
If a planned (demand) interchange fails for any of the previously
listed reasons, this option can be specified to try to force a switch
to occur. This option causes the active SPE’s state of health to be
downgraded as much as possible in order to allow a
spontaneous (hard) switch to occur. However, if the standby
SPE’s state of health is still not better than that of the active, or if
the SPEs are locked, the interchange will still not occur.
Due to contention control,
reset system interchange
aborts if
any other command is currently running. Use of this option
overrides contention control and forces the command to execute
regardless of whether other commands are currently running.
reset system interchange SPE A
Unable to interchange due to MSS activity.