DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-60change system-parameters maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance
A series of maintenance tests and operations runs automatically every day
according to the schedule and settings specified in Table 8-7
Test Remote
Access Port
Specifies whether testing of the remote access port on the SYSAM
circuit pack is enabled. This field should be set to "yes" whenever
there is an INADS line connected to the switch and there is a
maintenance contract in effect so that alarm origination capability
is maintained.
If no equipment is connected to the remote access port, or if a trunk
for remote access and alarm origination is not provided, running
tests on the remote access port on the SYSAM results in test failures.
This causes unnecessary maintenance alarms and allows
potentially destructive tests to be run. Setting this field to “no”
prevents this.
CPE Alarm
Indicates the minimum level (Major, Minor or Warning) at which the
Customer-Provided Equipment (CPE) alarm is activated. If the level
is ‘‘none,’’ the CPE does is not activated for any alarm. (none)
The CPE alarm is always activated when the switch goes into
Emergency Transfer, regardless of the CPE Alarm Activation
Level setting.
Access to
Provides the capability to prohibit access to system administration
and maintenance interface, via the INADS port when using
customer login ID’s. This field can only be activated Lucent through
system-parameters maintenance administration.(no)
Table 8-7. Schedules and Settings for Maintenance Tests
Start Time
The hour and minute in 24-hour notation at which daily scheduled
maintenance will begin running.
Stop Time
The hour and minute when scheduled daily maintenance will stop
running. If any daily maintenance operations are not completed by this
time, the system will note where in the sequence it stopped and
perform those operations during the next scheduled daily
This display-only field simply represents the series of tests that are
always run by maintenance software as part of daily maintenance.
Continued on next page