DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
of service) means that users cannot access the device but background and
demand testing can run.
a. Error type 1 means that the device is out of service as a result of
maintenance tests detecting a critical failure of the tape drive.
b. Error type 18 means that the Tape was busied out on demand from the
System Access Terminal.
c. Error type 250 means that the Reset Test (#809 or #894) failed.
d. Error type 257 means that the device could not be accessed.
e. Error type 513 means that on-board tape drive diagnostics tests
requested by the Tape Diagnostic Test (#813) failed.
f. Error type 526 means that the Host Adapter was busied out. This also
causes the Tape to be busied out.
g. Error type 529 means that there was a failure to put the tape in service or
to take it out of service.
h. Error type 769 means that the tape Loop-around Test (#814) failed.
i. Error type 1025 means that a tape medium error was detected when the
tape was read or written. The tape cartridge should be replaced if this
error continues to be reported.
j. Error type 1281 indicates that a hardware failure condition was detected
by the Firmware Error Counters Read and Clear Test (#812). See the
Error Actions
table at the end of the section on TAPE.
k. Error type 1537 indicates that the tape cartridge is write protected. Check
the RECORD switch on the tape cartridge. It should be pushed forward in
the direction shown by the arrow on the switch.
l. Error type 1793 is an in-line error from the tape control software that
indicates there was a problem with the SCSI Bus Access Failure or
Memory Access Failure between the Host Adapter circuit pack and the
Tape circuit pack. See the
MSS Error Actions
table at the end of the
section on TAPE.
m. Error type 2049 indicates that a bad command was sent to the tape drive.
This may be caused by a software error or a hardware failure. Execute the
test tape long command and fix any failures associated with those tests.
n. Error type 2305 means that the tape has exceeded 90% of the
manufacturer’s recommended limit of accesses. The tape should be
replaced as soon as practical. This alarm can be retired by issuing the
reset tape command but it will reappear each time the Tape Firmware
Counter Test (#812) is run.
o. Error type 2306 means that a block has been reassigned on the tape or an
attempt to reassign a block has failed. The tape should be replaced as
soon as practical.