DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1290PMS-PRNT/JNL-PRNT (PMS Printer Link)
Maintenance will wait for five minutes before the next trial. If the number of retries
reaches a threshold (15), a Minor alarm is raised for service attention.
PMS Printer Link Maintenance does not cover the maintenance of the elements
composing the journal printer physical link (for instance, the external printer
device, Data Module (PDM/MPDM/DTDM), Digital Line Port or ADU and Data
Line Port). If PMS Printer Link maintenance cannot restore the PMS Printer Link,
then the maintenance tests of individual components of the PMS Link must be
executed to diagnose faults.
list pms-down
command lists all events that have meaning to the PMS that
have occurred while the link between the switch and the PMS was down. For
example, any room status codes entered by hotel housekeeping staff during a
time of PMS outage would be reflected in this report.
Procedures for Restoring the PMS Printer Link
1. Determine the status of the PMS Printer Link.
status journal-printer wakeup-log|pms-log
and make sure that the
journal printer link is not busied out for maintenance. If the link is down,
then continue to the next step.
2. Where does the journal printer link connect?
display system hospitality
and find out the destinations of the PMS
Printer Link.
3. Determine the status of the data extension.
status data extension
command and verify that the data extension
is in the in-service/idle state. If the data extension is
available, look for
the extension number in the Alt Name field of the Hardware Error Log.
Refer to "XXX-BD (Common Port Circuit Pack)" for resolutions.
4. Is the external printer device available?
Make sure that the printer device is ON-LINE and ready for service. Check
the physical connectivity between Data Module and the printer device.
5. If the problem is not found in the above steps, check the system port for
any problems. Refer to “PDATA-PT” for a description of system ports.
It should be noted that when restoring the PMS printer link, it is necessary to
execute tests on different maintenance objects that comprise the link; it is
recommended that you busy out the PMS printer link before trying to restore the
link. If the PMS printer Link is busied out, then all PMS printer Link maintenance
actions are deactivated, and interference with tests of other MOs is prevented.