DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-830EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
Table 9-315. TEST #589 Expansion Interface Packet
Interface Test
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1033 ABORT The test cannot run because the Expansion Interface circuit pack does not
have a fiber link administered to it and there is not sufficient data to run the test
or because Expansion Interface circuit packs on other port networks needed
for this test are out of service.
1. Execute the list fiber-link command and determine if the Expansion
Interface circuit pack under test is an endpoint of one of the administered
fiber links. If it is one of the administered endpoints of a fiber link, proceed
to Step 2. If it is not an administered endpoint, then this is considered to be
a spare board and the test should not be attempted on this Expansion
Interface circuit pack.
2. Follow procedures for applicable configuration:
1. Issue the list config command for the cabinet and carrier where the
neighbor EI circuit pack is located. If the results reveal that the board is not
recognized by software, the board is out of service because of this
condition. Perform the following steps:
a. If this test is being executed on an Expansion Interface circuit pack
located in the PPN, enter display errors and resolve any EXP-PN errors
for the port network where the neighbor Expansion Interface circuit
pack is located. Re-execute this test.
b. If this test continues to abort with this abort code reset the DS1 CONV
circuit pack (if so equipped) or the neighbor Expansion Interface circuit
pack. This will not be destructive since the circuit pack cannot be
serving as the Expansion Archangel if it is not in service.
2. Run Test #237 and check for EXP-INTF circuit pack Error Type 1281 in the
Error Log. If Error Type 1281 is present and/or Test #237 does not pass,
refer to repair procedures for Test #237.
Continued on next page