DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-167monitor traffic
The following display was produced by entering
monitor system conn
Feature Interactions
monitor traffic
monitor traffic trunk-groups [group#]
monitor traffic hunt-groups
The monitor traffic command shows the current load on specified trunk and hunt
groups and the length of time that the oldest call in the group has been waiting.
The total number of touch tone receivers requested is reflected in
this field. It is a running count of currently active requests. It is
decremented when a tone receiver is freed and incremented when
they are requested. Note that this field applies strictly to the TN744
board. This field represents real-time status data.
The total number of multi-frequency receivers requested is
reflected in this field. It is a running count of currently active
requests. It is decremented when a multi-frequency receiver is
freed and incremented when they are requested. Note that this
field applies strictly to the TN744 board. This field represents
real-time status data.
Time Slot Status Bus Status
Pnn Bus State *Idle Count Pnn Bus State
10 0 Maint 0 10 0 Avail
10 1 Normal 233 10 1 Avail
10 0 Maint 0 22 0 Avail
10 1 Normal 233 22 1 Avail
22 0 Maint 0 1 0 Avail
22 1 Normal 233 1 1 Avail
22 0 Maint 0
22 1 Normal 233 *Callrate: 20
1 0 Maint 0 *Interval: 60
1 1 Normal 233 *Max_callrate:45
1 0 Maint 0 *Next_hour: 70
1 1 Normal 233
tot_ts_req :0F24 0000 3CE2 ts_count :0010 0920 0200 Requests-TN748 TTRs :0014
ts_denied :0E46 3CE2 0000 ts_total :0000 0090 0028 Requests-TN748 CPTRs:0041
tot_fts_req:0000 53D2 2231 fts_count:02E0 0910 0784 Requests-TN744 CPTRs:0082
fts_total:0320 0192 7048 Requests-TN744 TTRs :0082
Requests-TN744 MFCs :0082
Note: * Denotes Base 10, All Other Figures are in Base 16