Tivoli Audio Version 3 Release 7 Portable Media Storage User Manual

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ANR8325I (AS/400)
Dismounting volume volume name - mount retention period minute mount
retention expired.
Explanation: The specified volume is dismounted because the given mount
retention period has expired.
System Action: The volume is dismounted.
User Response: None.
ANR8326I Request number: Mount device type volume volume name mount mode in drive
drive name of library library name within time limit minutes.
Explanation: If the volume name includes the names EXP, IMP, DUMP, or
DBBK, the request is for a scratch volume.
System Action: The server waits for the volume to be mounted.
User Response: Mount the volume in the specified drive.
ANR8326I (AS/400)
Request number: Mount device type volume volume name mount mode in drive
drive name of library library name within time limit minutes.
Explanation: The server requires that the specified volume be mounted as
requested. The value of volume name can be either a specific volume or a
nonspecific volume (scratch). If volume name is SCRATCH, EXPORT.n, or
DUMP.n, you should mount a scratch volume. The value ’n’ denotes the sequence
number of the scratch volume being requested for DUMP DB or EXPORT
System Action: The server waits for the volume to be mounted.
User Response: Mount the volume in the specified drive within the time limit. If
this is a request for a SCRATCH mount, use the REPLY command to indicate to the
server that a volume has been mounted.
ANR8327E Command: Cannot cancel request request number.
Explanation: The request, whose number is specified by the given command,
cannot be canceled. The requested operation must be completed.
System Action: The cancel request command is not processed.
User Response: Proceed with the requested operation.
Version 3 Release 7