Tivoli Audio Version 3 Release 7 Portable Media Storage User Manual

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User Response: Mount a new volume, close the library access door, and then type
a volume name for it and press ENTER; or, if you want to quit the program, press
ENTER without entering a volume name.
ANR9734I Insert side A of a new volume in drive drive name of library library device
name’, then enter the name (1-maximum length characters) to be used for its
label; or just press ENTER to quit this program:
Explanation: The program prompts for a new volume to be mounted in the given
drive so that a label can be written to it.
System Action: The program waits for the volume name to be entered.
User Response: Mount side A of a new volume, close the library access door, and
then type a volume name for it and press ENTER; or, if you want to quit the
program, press ENTER without entering a volume name.
ANR9735I Enter the name (1-maximum length characters) for the next volume to label in
library library device name’; or just press ENTER to quit this program:
Explanation: The program prompts for the name of the next volume to be labeled
in the given library.
System Action: The program waits for the volume name to be entered.
User Response: Type the name for the next volume to be labeled and then press
ENTER; or, if you want to quit the program, press ENTER without entering a
volume name.
ANR9736E An I/O error occurred while accessing library device library device name’.
Explanation: An attempted I/O operation for the given library failed.
System Action: If the error is noncritical, operation continues; otherwise, the
program is halted.
User Response: Ensure that the library device is powered on and ready, any access
doors are closed, the device parameter has the correct value, and then retry the
operation that was in progress when the error occurred.
ANR9737I Remove the volume from drive drive name in library library device name’,
then press ENTER.
Explanation: All activity associated with the volume in the given drive is
complete, so it should be removed.
System Action: The program waits until the ENTER key is pressed.
Version 3 Release 7