Tivoli Audio Version 3 Release 7 Portable Media Storage User Manual

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ANR8805I Labelling volumes in library library name; volume count volumes(s) labelled.
Explanation: In response to a QUERY PROCESS command, this message
displays the status of a LABEL process with the SEARCH option.
System Action: The background process continues.
User Response: None. The process may be cancelled by an authorized
administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR8806E Could not write volume label volume name on the tape in library library name.
Explanation: The Label process could not write the label on the tape specified.
System Action: For a LABEL operation with SEARCH=YES, the background
process continues to the next volume. For an individual volume, the process ends.
The volume is not labelled and is not checked into the library.
User Response: Make sure the library and drive devices associated with this
command are powered on and ready, and then reissue the command.
ANR8807W Could not write label volume name on the volume in drive drive name of library
library name because volume is already labelled existing volume name.
Explanation: The check in or label process could not write the label on the tape
specified because the volume is already labelled.
System Action: The check in process will not overwrite volumes that are already
labelled, and the label process will only overwrite volumes when
OVERWRITE=YES is specified. The volume is not labelled and cannot be checked
in to the library. If SEARCH=YES, the process continues to the next volume. For
an individual volume, the process ends.
User Response: Reissue the command with the correct parameters.
ANR8808E Could not write label label name on the volume in drive drive name of library
library name because that volume is already labeled with volume name which is
still defined in a storage pool or volume history.
Explanation: An attempt was made to overwrite the label of a volume that is still
defined to a storage pool or is still found in the volume history file. Such a volume
may still contain valid data.
System Action: The server process is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: It is usually not necessary to re-label volumes. If the volume must
be relabeled, that volume must first be removed from the storage pool or volume
history file where it is defined.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages