Sonos Multi-Room Music System User GuideI-12
snooze 7-11
software updates 5-6, 6-6, 7-11
solid amber ZonePlayer light A-11
solid red light A-12
Sonos Extender mode 2-16
sort by preference 4-14
sort folders by 7-16
sound settings 6-4
speaker connections B-1
specifications, Controller B-6
specifications, loudspeaker B-9
specifications, ZoneBridge B-7
specifications, ZP90 B-4
status indicator, solid amber A-6
status indicator, turn off 2-15
status indicator, ZonePlayer 2-24, 2-31
stop alarm 7-11
stop music 2-18
stream external audio 2-20
subscribe to Napster 4-34, 4-37
subscribe to Rhapsody 4-55
subscribe to SIRIUS 4-66, 4-72
subwoofer 2-27, 2-29
subwoofer output B-1
support diagnostics A-13
system registration 1-4
system requirements 1-1
technical support 1-3
time, set 5-4, 7-9
Top 100s (Napster) 4-42
treble 6-4
troubleshooting A-1
troubleshooting, Controller A-7
troubleshooting, ZonePlayer A-5