Introduction and Specifications
COMMON MODE VOLTAGE..................1000V dc or peak ac, or 700V rms ac from any input to earth.
TEMPREATURE RANGE.......................0 to 50°C operating, -40 to 70°C storage.
HUMIDITY RANGE.................................80% RH from 0 to 35°C, 70% to 50°C.
WARMUP TIME......................................1 hour to rated specifications.
POWER ..................................................100, 120, 220, or 240V ac ±10% (250V ac maximum), switch
selectable at rear panel. 50, 60, or 400 Hz, automatically
sensed at power-up. 20 VA maximum.
VIBRATION.............................................Meets requirements of MIL-T- 28800C for Type III, Class 3,
Style E equipment.
PROTECTION ........................................ANSI C39.5 AND IEC 348, Class I.
SIZE........................................................8.9 cm high, 21.6 cm wide, 37.1 cm deep(3.47 in high, 8.5 in
wide, 14.6 in deep).
WEIGHT..................................................Net, 3.4 kg (7.5 lb); shipping, 5.0 kg (11 lb).
INCLUDED..............................................Line cord, test leads, Instruction/Service Manual, IEEE-488
Quick Reference Guide, (Option –05 only), and instrument
performance record.
IEEE-488 INTERFACE FUNTION ..........Option allows complete control and data output capability, and
supports the following interface funtion subsets: SH1,AH1, T5,
L4, SR1, RL1, DC1, DT1, E1, PP0, AND C0.
ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITYSpecifications apply when used in an environment with fields
strengths ≤ 1 V/m, (0.8 V/m for DC Current.) For fields
strengths up to 3 V/m, multiply floor adder by 12 for VDC and
Resistance and 200 for DC current. VAC and AC Current have
no adders up to 3 V/m.
Figure 1-1. External Dimensions