Table 6-14. Commands Used During remote Calibration
Display G2 Loads the calibration prompt into the output buffer. Not valid
when the 8842A is taking verification readings.
Function Buttons F1 through F6 In the calibration mode, these select the Offset and Gain
Calibration procedure for the corresponding funtion.
Range R1 through R6 and R8 In the calibration mode, these select the Offset and Gain
Calibration Procedure for the corresponding range in the
presently selected function. (For entering variable inputs, see
VAR IN below.)
STORE C0 Tells the 8842A that the requested calibration input is valid.
This command causes the 8842A to take readings, and
compute and store calibration constants.
The C0 command can take up to 22 seconds to execute.
You must determine when this command is complete
before sending more commands. See Timing
Considerations in text.
A/D C1 Selects the A/D Calibration procedure.
HF AC C2 Selects the High-Frequency AC Calibration procedure.
ERASE C3 After receiving this command the display shows the erase
mode prompt (‘cl’). (The prompt is not loaded into the output
buffer.) To complete the erasure you must then send C0.
Sending any other command after the C3 command causes
the 8842A to return to its previous state. There is no timeout
as with the front panel ERASE button.
The command string “C3 C0” erases the entire
calibration memory. A complete calibration must then
be performed.
RATE S0 through S2 Changes the reading rate while the 8842A is taking
verification readings. Causes an error at any other time
during calibration.
VAR IN N<value>P2 Enters <value> as a variable input. (See Entering Variable
Inputs, in text.) Causes an error if sent during A/D Calibration
or when the 8842A is taking verification readings. You can
check that the command was successful by checking the
error status or by sending the Get Calibration Input command
-- P3<string> Puts the <string> into calibration memory. The string must
contain up to 16 ASCII characters, and be recalled with the
G3 command.
NOTE: Other commands that may be used during calibration are: P1 (Put SRQ mask); the remaining Get
commands; and X0 (clear Error Register).