Fluke 8842a Portable Multimedia Player User Manual

Instruction Manual
NORMAL (S) READING RATE...............±(% of Reading + Number of Counts)
RANGE 24 HOURS 23±1°C 90 DAY 23±5°C 1 YEAR 23±5°C 2 YEARS 23±1°C
0.007 + 30
0.009 + 40
0.012 + 40
0.015 + 40
0.0040 + 3
0.007 + 4
0.010 + 4
0.012 + 4
2 k 0.0025 + 2 0.005 + 3 0.008 + 3 0.010 + 3
20 k 0.0025 + 2 0.005 + 3 0.008 + 3 0.010 + 3
200 k 0.0025 + 2 0.006 + 3 0.010 + 3 0.012 + 3
2000 k 0.023 + 3 0.025 + 3 0.027 + 3 0.030 + 3
20 M 0.023 + 3 0.040 + 4 0.042 + 4 0.050 + 4
1. Within one hour of ohms zero, using offset control.
2. Relative to calibration standards.
3. Applies to 4-wire ohms only.
4. When offset control is not used the number of counts are 50, 70, 90 and 90 for 24 hours,90 day, 1
year, and 2 year respectively.
5. When offset control is not used the number of counts are 5, 7, 9 and 9 for 24 hours, 90 day, 1 year,
and 2 year respectively.
MEDIUM AND FAST READING RATES........In medium rate, add 2 counts to the number of counts for
the 200 through 200 k ranges, 3 counts for the 2000
k and 20 M ranges, and 20 counts for the 20 range.
In fast reading rate, use 3 (4½ digit mode) counts for the
number of counts for the 200 range, 20 (4½ digit mode)
counts for the 20 range and 2 (4½ digit mode) counts for
all other ranges.
Operating Characteristics
TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT............Less than 0.1 x accuracy specification per °C from 0°C to 18°C
and 28°C to 50°C.
MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION.....2-wire or 4-wire in all ranges accept 20 range. Only 4-wire
configuration is allowed in the 20 range.
OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE ....................Less than 6.5V on the 20 through the 200 k ranges. Less
than 13V on the 2000 k and 20 M ranges.
INPUT PROTECTION.............................To 300V rms.