Instruction Manual
NORMAL (S) READING RATE...............±(% of Reading + Number of Counts)
RANGE 24 HOURS 23±1°C 90 DAY 23±5°C 1 YEAR 23±5°C 2 YEARS 23±1°C
0.007 + 30
0.009 + 40
0.012 + 40
0.015 + 40
0.0040 + 3
0.007 + 4
0.010 + 4
0.012 + 4
2 kΩ 0.0025 + 2 0.005 + 3 0.008 + 3 0.010 + 3
20 kΩ 0.0025 + 2 0.005 + 3 0.008 + 3 0.010 + 3
200 kΩ 0.0025 + 2 0.006 + 3 0.010 + 3 0.012 + 3
2000 kΩ 0.023 + 3 0.025 + 3 0.027 + 3 0.030 + 3
20 MΩ 0.023 + 3 0.040 + 4 0.042 + 4 0.050 + 4
1. Within one hour of ohms zero, using offset control.
2. Relative to calibration standards.
3. Applies to 4-wire ohms only.
4. When offset control is not used the number of counts are 50, 70, 90 and 90 for 24 hours,90 day, 1
year, and 2 year respectively.
5. When offset control is not used the number of counts are 5, 7, 9 and 9 for 24 hours, 90 day, 1 year,
and 2 year respectively.
MEDIUM AND FAST READING RATES........In medium rate, add 2 counts to the number of counts for
the 200Ω through 200 kΩ ranges, 3 counts for the 2000
kΩ and 20 MΩ ranges, and 20 counts for the 20Ω range.
In fast reading rate, use 3 (4½ digit mode) counts for the
number of counts for the 200Ω range, 20 (4½ digit mode)
counts for the 20Ω range and 2 (4½ digit mode) counts for
all other ranges.
Operating Characteristics
TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT............Less than 0.1 x accuracy specification per °C from 0°C to 18°C
and 28°C to 50°C.
MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION.....2-wire or 4-wire in all ranges accept 20Ω range. Only 4-wire
configuration is allowed in the 20Ω range.
OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE ....................Less than 6.5V on the 20Ω through the 200 kΩ ranges. Less
than 13V on the 2000 kΩ and 20 MΩ ranges.
INPUT PROTECTION.............................To 300V rms.