Tascam HS-4000 MP3 Player User Manual

TASCAM HS-4000 97
16 – Messages
Message Details and responses Remarks
CFn is not available There is no CF card. n = 1 or 2
CFn is not usable You cannot copy. n = 1 or 2
CFn MEDIUM ERROR The unit failed to read the card. n = 1 or 2
CFn not recommended format
for Recording/Playing.
Format this card?
Since the media was not formatted in this unit, proper
recording and playback operations cannot be
guaranteed, so it should be formatted.
n = 1 or 2
This appears when the card is formatted with
a cluster size that is smaller than the standard
of this unit.
CFn not recommended
for Recording/Playing.
(not UltraDMA)
This CF card does not meet the specifications required
by the system, so using it for recording/playback is not
n = 1 or 2
CFn Read Error An error occurred when reading the card. n = 1 or 2
CFn to CFn' Copy failed. Copying all of CFn to CFn' was not possible. n = 1 or 2
n'= 2 or 1
CFn unrecognized format
Please Format this card.
This CF card has been formatted in a format other than
FAT. Format it for use with this unit.
n = 1 or 2
CFn unsupported type This CF card does not meet the specifications required
by the system, so it cannot be used.
n = 1 or 2
CFn Write Error An error occurred when writing to the card. n = 1 or 2
This shows information about the CF card. n = 1 or 2
vvvvvvvv = volume level
p: project number,
u: capacity used
f: unused capacity,
t: total capacity of CF card
Clear Bounce In/Out Point? This will clear bounce IN and OUT points.
Completed The operation has completed.
Create Project?
Reconfirms that you want to conduct both
quick-formatting and project creation at once
n = 1 or 2
pppppppp = name of project created
ssssssss = name of session created
Copy CFn to CFn'?
This will erase all data on CFn'.
Confirms that you want to copy all of CFn to CFn' n = 1 or 2
n'= 2 or 1
Copying session(s)... Copying all sessions in progress
Copy N selected session(s)
to CFn?
Confirm that you want to copy the selected folder(s). N = number of selected sessions
n = 1 or 2
Copying Session… The session is being copied.
Create new Playlist?
Confirm that you want to create a new playlist. pppppppp = playlist name
Create new project?
Fs: ** kHz, Frame Type: **F
Confirm that you want to create a new project. pppppppp = name of project to be created
ssssssss = name of first session to be created
Create Project failed The creation of the project failed.
Creating Project … The project is being created.
Currently loaded playlist
will be exported to PPL
The currently loaded playlist will be exported in a PPL
llllllll = the playlist name created
Currently loaded playlist(s)
will be exported to PPL.
Overwrite latest PPL file?
The currently loaded playlist will be exported in PPL
format. Do you want to overwrite the last exported
PPL file?
"pppppppp" PPL file name
Currently loaded playlist [A or B]
will be exported to PPL
The currently loaded playlist will be exported in a PPL
llllllll = the playlist name created
Currently loaded session
will be exported to AES31.
The currently loaded session will be exported in an
AES31 editing information file.
aaaaaaaa = the AES31 editing information file
name created