Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 86
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
2.7.5 Setting Up Text To Speech to Read Email
In conjunction with MAPI email clients and Exchange server, TTS can be used to read new e-mails in a user's email inbox
when they access their voicemail mailbox.
· The Voicemail Pro server must have been installed and configure to support voicemail email using a MAPI client
· Email reading can only be enabled for IP Office users whose Profile setting is set to Mobile User or Power User. That
requires the IP Office to have Mobile User Profile or Power User Profile licenses.
· This feature is supported only for Intuity mode. Users hear their new voicemail messages and then the number of
"Messages with text". Before each email is spoken, details of who it is from, when the message was sent and the
size are given. This allows large or non-urgent e-mails to be skipped.
· Email reading cannot be used for e-mails in HTML format. If HTML messages are received, all of the code will be
read out as a message.
Within the IP Office configuration, display the settings for the user.
On the User tab, set the user's Profile to either Mobile User or Power User.
On the Voicemail tab
· Voicemail Email
Enter the user's email address.
· Voicemail Email Reading
Enable this option for TTS email reading.