Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 225
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Actions: Telephony Actions
4.7.6 Call List
Using a Call List action, a caller can indicate the extension to which they want to be transferred. If selected the caller
can be restricted to selecting an extension within a particular group. The transfer in this case is not blind, if unanswered
the action can link to actions for no answer or busy .
Click the Telephony Actions icon and select Call List.
The General , Entry Prompts , Reporting and Results tabs are standard tabs available to all
Select the Specific tab. Complete the fields with relevant details.
· Transfer to group
Enter a group name if you want to restrict the caller to a particular group.
· Prompt user with a list of group members
If this option is selected, the voicemail server will list the group members for the caller.
· Source of transfer (displayed on phone)
The number to display on the destination phone if internal. Type the required text directly or use the
browse button to select the text that should be used including using a the value of a call variable .
· Description (displayed on phone)
The text description to display on the destination phone if internal. Type the required text directly or use the
browse button to select the text that should be used including using a the value of a call variable .
· No answer timeout
The value selected is how long the voicemail server waits for an answer before following the No Answer
This action has the following results which can be connected to further actions:
· Next
This connection result is not used.
· No Answer
This connection result is used if the transfer target does not answer the call.
· Busy
This connection result is used if the transfer target returns busy.
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