Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 375
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Examples: Dial by Name
7.3.1 Example Call Flow
In this example, after selecting a name using the Dial by Name service, the caller is transferred to the matching extension.
If that extension doesn't answer or is busy the caller is transferred to leave a message.
In Voicemail Pro a new module was added called Dial by Name.
From Telephony Actions the Dial by name action was added.
From Telephony Actions an Assisted Transfer action was also added. In its properties Specific tab the Mailbox
was set as $KEY.
The Dial by name action's True result was connected to the Assisted Transfer action.
From Mailbox Actions a Leave Mail action was added.
Again in its Specific tab the Mailbox was set as $KEY. Links were added from the Assisted Transfer action's No
Answer and Busy results to this action.
To add a short code:
In IP Office Manager, a new system short code was added. For this example we chose *75 and then entered the
details as shown below.
After merging this back into the IP Office, users can dial *75 to access dial by name. They can also transfer callers
to this call flow.
The short code can be added a SoftConsole or DSS button. In addition, an Incoming Call Route could be used to
direct specific external calls direct to the function, for example if you had a specific external number used by
employees to ring in when off site.