Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 400
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
· Disable Mailbox
By right clicking on a listed mailbox and selecting Disable Mailbox, the use of the mailbox can be
disabled. Attempts to connect to the mailbox will receive number unobtainable indication from the
voicemail server.
· Clear Mailbox
By right-clicking on the listed mailbox and selecting Clear Mailbox, all existing messages and prompts in
the mailbox are deleted.
· Server Queues
The option Server Queues in the navigation pane gives access to the following information.
· Alarms
When selected, outgoing alarms calls set using Alarm Set actions are listed in the Voicemail Pro client's
right hand pane. The list can also be used to add, delete alarms and to edit alarm settings.
· User Variables
When selected, the current values of user defined variables are listed in the Voicemail Pro client's right
hand pane. The list can be used to add, delete user defined variables and to edit the current value of those
· Outcalls
When selected, outgoing calls being made or scheduled to be made by the voicemail server are listed in
the Voicemail Pro client's right hand pane. The list can be used to delete calls.
· Conditions Import/Export
Existing conditions can now be exported to a file and then imported into the configuration of another Voicemail
Pro 5.0+ system.