Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 345
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Examples: Using VB Script CallingParty Property
The CallingParty property returns the caller id associated with the voicemail session used for VBS interaction with
Voicemail (equivalent to $CLI call variable).
· Owning object: vmprov5.voicescript
· String:
· Set: This property is read-only.
· Get: A String object containing the name of the calling party (or $CLI). For example: String = Voice.CallingParty
· Remarks: The CallingParty property is only valid for the current session to Voicemail.
· Example
Sub Main (dlgid)
dim registration
Set Voice = CreateObject("vmprov5.voicescript")
registration = Voice.Register(dlgid)
if registration Then
dim callerid
callerid = Voice.CallingParty
end if
End Sub EstimatedAnswer Property
The EstimatedAnswer property returns the $QTIM voicemail call variable. This is the user’s estimated time to answer
within the queue in minutes and is only available for queued and still queued call flows.
· Owning object: vmprov5.voicescript
· String:
· Set: This property is read-only.
· Get: A long containing the current value for $QTIM. For example: Long = Voice.EstimatedAnswer