Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 56
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
2.5.4 Distributed Voicemail Servers
For IP Office Release 6.0, remote IP Offices in the Small Community Network can be associated with another voicemail
server in addition to the centralized voicemail server. The additional distributed server then provides all voicemail services
(except message storage and collection) for that IP Office. This requires the remote IP Office to have licenses for voicemail
operation and the features it requires.
While the distributed server does message recording, it forwards all messages to the central voicemail server. The
messages are transferred between systems using an IIS SMTP email services. For mailbox users, message waiting
indication and message collection is still done using the central voicemail server.
Centralized Voicemail with Additional
Distributed Voicemail Servers
In this scenario, an additional voicemail
sever has been added to the Small
Community Network. One of the IP Office
is configured to use that server for its
voicemail services.
· Other IP Offices continue to use
centralized voicemail as normal.
· An IP Office that is using a distributed
voicemail server cannot also be used as
the fallback IP Office for the central
voicemail server.
· The synchronization is done using IIS
SMTP email between the servers.
Multiple Distributed Servers
Additional distributed voicemail servers
can be added as required by the
individual IP Office sites in the Small
Community Network.
Sharing Distributed Voicemail Servers
The same distributed voicemail server can
be shared by several IP Offices. The
services it provided to each will depend
on the licenses that each has.