Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 356
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6 GetUserMailboxFromExtn Method
This method returns the mailbox associated with a specified extension number.
· extension (String)
The extension number. A variable such as $CLI can be used with internal callers to identify
the user's own mailbox.
The mailbox name. (String) GetUserVariable Method
This method returns the current value of a specified user variable.
· variable (String)
The user variable name.
The current value of the user variable. (String) GetVariable Method
This method is used to obtain the $VAR session variable.
· dlgid (Long. Default = 0)
The connection for the voicemail session.
The value of the $VAR variable associated with the specified voicemail session. (String) MessageCLI Method
This method is used to obtain the CLI of the caller that left a message within a mailbox.
Voice.MessageCLI(mailbox, message)
· mailbox (String)
The mailbox to which the message belongs.
· message
The message to query.
The CLI of the caller that left the message. (String) MessageDisplay Method
This method is used to obtain the display field associated with the message within a mailbox.
Voice.MessageDisplay(mailbox, message)
· mailbox (String)
The mailbox to which the message belongs.
· message
The message to query.
The display string associated with the message. (String)