Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 395
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Examples: Fax Server Configuration
7.5.7 Castelle Fax Server
Voicemail Pro 4.1 added support for Castelle FaxPress products. This uses SMTP rather than MAPI to exchange fax emails
with the Voicemail Pro server.
In order for the Voicemail Pro to recognize emails received from the fax server, the From name used must start with
FaxPress. This is configured through the FaxPress client software as follows:
Login to the FaxPress client software as a supervisor.
Expand the Administration section on the left.
Select Embedded Services.
Select Email Gateway. Right-click on this and select Configuration.
Select the Email to Fax tab.
In the Return address used in emails sent from the SMTP gateway section, in the Name field enter a name in
beginning with FaxPress.