Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 385
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Examples: Campaigns Using the Web Campaign
The Web Campaign Component allows access to play and change the status of campaign messages through a Web
· Anyone who wants to use the web campaigns must have Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (not Netscape).
Their PC must also have multimedia sound capabilities. The Web campaign user must also have a voicemail
mailbox. The name of their mailbox is requested when the user browses the campaign messages.
· During installation of the Campaign Web Component, the root address of the web server is requested. A folder
called campaign is then added to that root. The web address for browsing will normally be set up as a link from a
page within a company intranet rather than typed directly by users.
· Access must be via http: and not network file routing.
To view open the Campaign Web Campaign:
Open your internet browser.
Type the address http://<server address>/campaign/campcgi.html. The log in window opens.
(Optional) To change the language click the language Continue button. A menu containing the countries flag is shown.
If you place your mouse cursor over a flag, the language that it represents in indicated.
Click the required flag to change the language.
(Optional) To change the sound preferences click the Sound Prefs Continue button.
Select the playback type of either the browser default or as background. The option background is the default
Click Back to continue.
Enter your mailbox box name in the User Name field.