Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 365
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Examples: Using VB Script
7.2 Database Connection
Voicemail Pro call flows can interact, read and write data, with almost any Windows database that supports ODBC (Open
Database Connectivity) and SQL (Structured Query Language) format.
· In addition to the normal licenses for Voicemail Pro , use of database actions requires the IP Office system to
have an Advanced Edition license. For systems upgraded to IP Office Release 6, existing legacy VMPro Database
Interface licenses can still be used.
The Database Actions that can be used in a call flow are:
· Database Open
Opens the required database, including any necessary permissions and security options.
· Database Execute
Defines a SQL query to either read matching records from the database or to write data to the database. Up to 6
fields can be defined to be returned in matching database records.
· Database Get Data
Selects the current record from the matches returned by the preceding Database Execute action. The record fields
are then placed into Voicemail Pro variables DBD[0] to DBD[5]. The Database Get Data allows selection of the
first, next, previous or last record.
· Database Close
Closes the database connection. This also occurs automatically if the caller disconnects.