Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 448
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Success 207, 250, 251, 252, 253, 265, 348
success Then 348
Support Email Text
Speech 81
Synchronise 172, 255, 256
Synchronize 255, 256, 278, 280
Synchronize Calls 278
Syntax Check 240, 342
Syntax Check button
pressing 240, 342
System > System 298
System Configuration window 283
System Fax Number 99, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393
system greeting 404
system greeting enter 404
System greeting used 404
system outcalling 404
System Parameters 359
System Preferences
Select 98
System Preferences window 99, 390
System Prompts 303
System Resources 96
System Retry Settings 105, 313
System Settings 98, 103
installed 110
System Status Application
Open 96
see 96
System Times 105, 313
System Tool 115
systems running 94, 274
tab gives
list 93
TCP/IP networking 24
telephone number including 93
Telephony Actions 143, 172
Assisted Transfer 375
Dial 375
Telephony Actions icon 217, 219, 220, 221, 223, 225, 226,
228, 229, 231, 306
Telephony Handset 179
Telephony Operation Mode 329
Teletype 298, 299
Telnet 60
temp/backup.mdb 34
Test Condition 160, 163, 164, 172, 294
add 243
Test Condition Action 160, 163, 164, 172, 243, 294
Test Connection button 250
Test Connection Succeeded 250
Test User Variable 172
add 245
use 155, 244
Test User Variable Action 155, 172, 244, 245
test” 359
VPNM 434
VPNM Setup 434
text As String 364
text matching 377
text This 83, 364
Text To Speech 81, 82, 83, 86, 102, 198, 370
Textphone 298, 299
TIME 359
Time Check 263
TimeAndTrace 116
TimeCheck 262, 263
timeout As Long 351
TimeQueued 157, 280
TimeSystem 157, 280
Title 121, 366, 370, 372
Title Bar 121
TOC 105, 313
Token Name 176, 306
Touch 172, 181, 200, 265, 388, 393
Touch Tones 172, 265, 388, 393
Entering 200
Menu 181
MAPI 116
Transfer 152, 200, 229, 260, 278, 289, 311
Transfer Action 152, 172, 221, 223, 265, 295
Transfer action transfers
caller 221
Transmit Wave Files
check 111
Trusted Location 267
Creating 270
Trusted Source 93, 264, 310
TTS 82, 83, 157, 198, 359, 364
choose 81
employing 82
includes 81
license 86
start 82
TTS Usages 81
TTY 15, 298, 302
default 299
see 297
set 299
setting 298
use 298
TTY Device 297, 298, 299
TTY Maintenance Patch 299
turn outcalling 404
turn outcalling off 404
turn outcalling on 404
Turn voicemail 261, 329
Turn voicemail ringback 329
txt file 154
type matching 404
Typical 378
UK English 418
UMSEventTracing 116
Un-check Voicemail On 296
Voicemail On 90
Voicemail On 94
undelete 404
Under Specific Start Points 310
Under Log 117
Unit Name/IP Address 120
United States 329
UnPark Call
use 383
Up Callback
Setting 310
Up Text To Speech