Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 163
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Using the Voicemail Pro Client: The Conditions Editor
3.20.2 Calendar
Select days from the calendar (up to 255 days) which, if the current date matches the selected day, return 'true'.
Double-click a day to select or deselect the day. Selected days are shown with a green background, for example .
Note that a grey background indicates weekend days, not whether the day is selected or not.
ยท Multiple Day Logic
By default a logical OR X|| is applied to this condition element. This allows the element to be true if any of the
selected days is true. If a logical AND X= is used and more than one day is selected, the element cannot return
Note that days that are selected and are now in the past are not automatically deselected.
To add a calendar element:
Click the Element List icon in the toolbar.
Click Calendar.
Click on the condition to which the element should be added.
Double-click on the element to view its settings.
Double-click on the individual dates to select or deselect them.
Click OK.