Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 374
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
7.3 Dial by Name
The Dial by Name action allows callers to indicate the user or group that they require by dialing the name on their
telephone keypad and then making a selection from the matches found.
To use this feature the caller must use a telephone with DTMF dialing and with ITU alphabet letter keys as shown here.
The main pre-requisites before a Dial by Name action can be used are:
User Names
The user names are set through the IP Office Manager. Either the user's Name or Full Name field can be used for Dial
by Name. If the Full Name field is set then it takes precedence over the Name field.
Changing Names
Voicemail Pro mailboxes are created to match existing user Name's. If a user Name is changed, Voicemail Pro will
create a new mailbox to match the new Name. Therefore care must be taken to ensure that Name field entries are as
accurate as possible when first setting up users. Using the Full Name field for Dial by Name is recommended as the
Full Name entry can be changed without affecting the existing mailbox entries.
User Name Recordings
Each mailbox to be included by the Dial by Name action needs to have had a user name recorded. This can be done in
two ways:
Intuity Mailbox Mode
By default when the user first enters their mailbox, they will be asked to set their voicemail code password and then
to record their name.
IP Office Mailbox Mode
In this mode you need to set up a call flow that allows users to record their name. In this document we have included
an example module that can be used for that purpose. The same module can also be used by Intuity mode mailbox
systems to let users re-record their names. See Adding a Record Name Module .