Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 389
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Examples: Fax Server Configuration
7.5.1 Fax Server Configuration
Here is an illustration to show how a fax server can be configured to work with an IP Office system. The illustration applies
to the following popular fax server applications:
· Gfi FAXMaker
· Fenestrae Faxination
· Equisys Zetafax
· Captaris RightFax
The fax server is configured to distribute faxes to exchange server mailboxes based on the original (DTMF) fax sub
address that is passed by Voicemail Pro. For the fax server and Voicemail Pro to interact, specific user rights are needed.
If the PC that is being used as the fax server uses an analog fax board, the fax board must be connected to an IP Office
analog extension (POT) port.
The sections that follow explain how to configure a fax server to work with Voicemail Pro. The information provided
assumes that:
· The fax server software is installed.
· The hardware is installed and connected to an IP Office.
· The Exchange Connector is installed and configured.
For details of system requirements and information about installing a fax server, refer to the manufacturer documentation
or visit the manufacturer web site.
The process for configuring a fax server to work with Voicemail Pro involves the following key steps:
Set the system fax number. See Setting the Voicemail Pro System Fax Number .
If prefixed numbers are being used you can set up a short code so that fax calls are routed to prefixed numbers.
If the chosen mailbox mode is Intuity, inform all mailbox owners that they can set up their own preferred fax
destinations if they like. See Setting Up a User Defined Fax Number .
If a system fax number is not being used, you can set up a menu action to route fax calls. See Routing Fax Calls Using a
Menu Action .
If the fax server PC uses an analog fax card, configure the extension number to use for faxes. See Configuring an
Analog Extension Number for Fax Use .