Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 240
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
4.8.6 VB Script
The VB Script action allows an administrator to construct additional call flow logic using VBScript commands and
various properties and methods .
When a VBScript action is executed, the voicemail server allows the script up to 1 minute to complete execution. If
execution of the script takes longer then it is terminated by the voicemail server and the action's Failure result path is
· In addition to the normal licenses for Voicemail Pro , use of VBScript requires the IP Office system to have an
Advanced Edition license. For systems upgraded to IP Office Release 6, existing legacy VMPro VB Script licenses
can still be used.
Click the Miscellaneous Actions icon and select VB Script.
The General , Entry Prompts , Reporting and Results tabs are standard tabs available to all
Select the Specific tab.
· Enter VBScript
In the script area enter the VBScript as required. Strings for the variables and methods provided for VBScript
by Voicemail Pro can be selected and inserted by right clicking on the script area. This script can contain a
maximum of 10000 characters.
· Expand
Check Expand to view a larger script area.
· Syntax Check
Click the Syntax Check button to check your input for any errors.
This action has the following results which can be connected to further actions:
344 350
176 177 182 183