Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 215
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Actions: Configuration Actions
4.6.4 Select System Prompt Language
The Select System Prompt Language action is supported on Voicemail Pro 1.2.6 or higher. It allows the system to
alter the language spoken during a call flow. For examples of the action being used in a call flow, see Changing the
Language of System Prompts and Changing the Language Setting for a TTY Device .
For details of supported languages see Supported Languages . Not all languages are installed by default. If the selected
language is not available the voicemail server will use the next nearest language.
Click the Configuration Actions icon and select Select System Prompt Language.
The General , Entry Prompts , Reporting and Results tabs are standard tabs available to all
In the Specific tab select the language that the system prompts are to be played in. If a language is selected which
is not loaded on the Server, the system will automatically select the most appropriate language.
· Possible system prompts
List of all prompt languages that could be installed on the system.
· Installed on the Server
Displays if the prompts for a particular language are installed on the server.
This action has the following result which can be connected to a further action:
· Next
Connect the action to a following action within the call flow.
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