Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 390
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
7.5.2 Setting the VoiceMail Pro System Fax Number
The System Fax Number is used to:
· Enable fax detection.
By default fax detection is not enabled when Voicemail Pro is first installed. When fax detection is enabled, any fax calls
that are left in a voicemail mailbox, are redirected to the defined system fax number.
· Define the default destination for fax calls that arrive in a voicemail mailbox and which are to be redirected to a fax
Intuity mailbox owners have the additional option to define their own personal fax number instead of the system fax
number. Incoming calls are directed to Voicemail Pro and then Voicemail Pro redirects fax calls to a mailbox owner's
personal fax number, if one has been set. For information mailbox owners should read the Intuity Mailbox User Guide.
To set the Voicemail Pro system fax number:
From the Administration menu, select Preferences. The System Preferences window opens.
Click the General tab.
In the System Fax Number box, type the number of the general fax machine to which all incoming faxes are to be
directed. This number must match the number of the analog extension that is connected to the fax board of the fax
server PC.
Intuity mailbox owners can receive fax messages into their mailboxes and set a preferred fax number to use instead
of the system fax number. As the administrator you still need to set up a system fax number to enable mailbox
owners to set their own numbers. A personal mailbox fax number overrides the system fax number. Mailbox owners
can find out more in the Intuity Mailbox User Guide.
If your fax system requires prefix addressing, for example the C3000 fax server, do not type a fax number In the
System Fax Number box. Instead type the number to use as a prefix so that a fax message can be identified and
forwarded to the extension number of the intended recipient. For example if the prefix were 54, a fax message for
extension 201 would have the prefix of 54 automatically added so that the complete number would become 54201.
To use the specified prefix, check the Use as a Prefix box so that the number that you typed in to the System Fax
Number box is used. If your fax system does not use prefix addressing, leave this box unchecked.
For this feature to work, you also need to set up a short code.
Most fax servers perform fax forwarding based on DTMF signalling received with the fax call. Check the Enable Fax
Sub-Addressing box so that the DTMF signal is passed to the fax server after the call has been answered. This is so
that the fax can be forwarded to the email address of the intended recipient.
Click OK.
Click Save & Make Live.