Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 12
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Centralized Voicemail
In addition to the support for IP Office control fallback added in IP Office Release 5, the following additional options are
now supported within a Small Community Network using IP Office Release 6 and Voicemail Pro 6.0:
· Backup Voicemail Server
An additional Voicemail Pro server can be installed. The address of this server is entered in the configuration of the
central IP Office. During normal operation; messages, call flows and other settings on the backup voicemail server
are synchronized with those on the central voicemail server. If the central voicemail server becomes unavailable,
the central IP Office will switch to using the backup voicemail server for voicemail services. When the central
voicemail server is restored, the central IP Office will switch back to using it for voicemail services and any new
messages on the backup server are synchronized with it. The backup voicemail server operates using the existing
voicemail licenses held by the central IP Office for normal operation.
· Distributed Voicemail Servers
Multiple Voicemail Pro servers can be installed within a Small Community Network. These are referred to as
distributed voicemail servers. Within the configuration of the IP Offices in the network (other than the central IP
Office and its fallback if any), you can specify that the IP Office uses a particular distributed voicemail server for its
voicemail services. This requires the IP Office to have licenses for voicemail operation and the voicemail features it
requires. Multiple distributed servers can be supported and several IP Offices can share the same distributed server,
each using their own license set. The distributed server is used for all services apart from message collection and
message waiting indication, those services are still performed by the central voicemail server. Messages recording
is done by the distributed servers with the messages then being forwarded to the central voicemail server.