Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 130
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
3.11.1 Users / Groups
When you click on Users or Groups in the left-hand navigation pane, the right-hand pane displays information about the
user or group mailboxes.
When you right-click on a mailbox a number of options are available:
· Add Start Points / Edit Start Points / Delete Start Points
If the mailbox has any customized call flow start points setup, they are listed in the Callflows Assigned column.
These options allow you to add additional start points. A list of start point types is displayed which you can then
select or deselect. Selecting an option will create a matching start point for the mailbox. Deselecting an option will
delete the matching start point and any content.
· Clear Mailbox (Voicemail Pro 5.0+)
This option will reset the mailbox. All existing messages and recordings are deleted and any prompts such as the
user name and greeting prompts. The mailbox password is not reset. This action is not applied to messages for
users using Exchange 2007 as their message store.
· Disable Mailbox (Voicemail Pro 5.0+)
This option will stop the mailbox from being used to receive messages. This includes the forwarding of messages to
the mailbox and manual or automatic recording placing recordings into the mailbox. If selected we recommend that
the Voicemail On setting within the IP Office configuration is also disabled, that will stop the IP Office from
attempting to use the mailbox. This option does not affect any existing messages in the mailbox. Disabled
mailboxes are listed as DISABLED in the Last Accessed column. See Disabling a Mailbox .
· View Mailbox Details (Voicemail Pro 6.0+)
This option is available for user mailboxes. It allows you to view and edit various user mailbox settings including the
user's alternate numbers, outcalling settings and personal distribution lists.