Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 252
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
4.10.3 Database Get Data
Once a Database Execute action has been used, it may return a set of records from the database. A Database
Get Data action or actions are then used to select which record is the currently selected record whose values are placed
into the call flow's $DBD variables.
· In addition to the normal licenses for Voicemail Pro , use of database actions requires the IP Office system to
have an Advanced Edition license. For systems upgraded to IP Office Release 6, existing legacy VMPro Database
Interface licenses can still be used.
Click the Database Actions icon and select Database Get Data.
The General , Entry Prompts , Reporting and Results tabs are standard tabs available to all
Select the Specific tab. Chose which record should be selected by selecting one of the following options:
· Retrieve the next item in the list
Select the next record returned by the Database Execute action as the currently selected record.
· Retrieve the previous item in the list
Select the previous record returned by the Database Execute action as the currently selected record.
· Retrieve the first item in the list
Select the first record returned by the Database Execute action as the currently selected record.
· Retrieve the last item in the list
Select the last record returned by the Database Execute action as the currently selected record.
This action has the following results which can be connected to further actions:
The Database Get Data action has four possible results.
· Success
The selected records values have successfully been assigned to the $DBD variables.
· At End
There are no further records in the set of data.
· Empty
The execute method returned no data, the $DBD variable contains no information.
· Failure
There was a problem trying to retrieve the next data record, the $DBD variable contains no
Examples of using the database actions are given in the IVR database Connection section. For an example of the action in
a call flow, see IVR Database Connection Example, Retrieving Data From the Database .
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