Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 63
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Installing Voicemail Pro: Centralized Voicemail Pro
Check the Server Connections
Check Connection to the Central Server
In the following tests, remember to use the fully qualified domain name of each server.
Ping Test
Make a ping from the server to the central server, for example ping vmpro1.example.com. You should see a
series of 4 successful replies from the sever.
Telnet Test
Make a telnet test from the server to the central server, for example telnet vmpro1.example.com 25. You
should receive a response from the email server within IIS. Enter quit to close the telnet connection.
Check Connection from the Central Server
Repeat the ping and telnet tests, this time from the central server to the backup or distributed server.
Checking Status with the Voicemail Pro Client
When connected to a Voicemail Pro server using the Voicemail Pro client, the client title bar will display the role assumed
by that voicemail server; Centralized Voicemail, Backup Voicemail or Distributed Voicemail.
When connected to the backup voicemail server, if it is the active server, the title will have changed from Backup
Voicemail to Backup Voicemail (Live).
When connected to the centralized voicemail server, the Distributed Voicemails folder can be selected to display details
of the distributed servers and the state of the connection with each. The Result will be either:
· In Progress
The servers are synchronizing information via SMTP.
· Up-To-Date
The servers are synchronized.