Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 68
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6 SMTP Errors
SMTP error logging can be enabled to generate a log of SMTP activity. For a default Voicemail Pro installation the activity is
logged in a file in C:\Program Files\Avaya\IP Office\Voicemail Pro\VM\logs. The file name includes a date stamp
for the day on which it is generated.
Enabling SMTP Error Reporting:
Stop the Voicemail Pro service
Start the Registry Editor.
Locate the registry key. This differs depending on the version of Voicemail Pro.
Voicemail Pro 3.2: Locate the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network
Voicemail Pro 4.0+: Locate the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Avaya\Media Services\Directories
From the menu bar select Edit.
Select New and then String Value.
Enter SMTPLogging.
Right-click on the new registry key SMTPLogging and select Modify.
Set the value to 1.
Close the Registry Editor.
Restart the Voicemail Pro service.
SMTP Error Codes
An exception has occurred.
The process has run out of memory.
An error has occurred due to a problem with the message body or attachments.
There was a problem initiating the conversation with the mail server. Ensure the setting of the Domain property
is correct.
There was an error terminating the conversation with the SMTP mail server.
The "From" address was not formatted correctly or was rejected by the SMTP mail server. Some SMTP servers
will only accept mail from particular addresses or domains. SMTP mail servers may also reject a from address if
the server can not successfully do a reverse lookup on the from address.
An error was reported in response to receipt address. The SMTP server may refuse to handle mail for unknown
There was an error connecting to the SMTP mail server.
There was an error opening the file. If you have specified file attachments, ensure that they exist and that you
have access to them.
There was an error reading a file. If you have specified file attachments, ensure that they exist and that you
have access to them.
No mail server specified.
There was a problem with the connection and a socket error occurred.
Connected but server sent back bad response.
Canceled as a result of calling the Cancel method.
The operation timed-out while the host was being resolved.
The operation timed-out while connecting.
ESMTP Authentication failed.
The selected ESMTP Authentication mode is not supported by the server.
ESMPT Authentication protocol error.