Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 31
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Installing Voicemail Pro: Server/Client Installation
2.2.2 Web Campaigns Installation
The web campaigns component of Voicemail Pro requires IIS to be installed and running on the server PC.
Check that IIS is installed and running on the server PC.
· Windows 2008 Server IIS does not support legacy IIS applications such as Campaigns by default. This is
rectified by reinstalling IIS from the Windows installation disk and selecting Legacy IIS support during the
Check that the server PC can be browsed from other PC's on the customer network.
If the Voicemail Pro server software has not yet been installed:
· Run the Voicemail Pro software installation and select Voicemail Pro (Full).
· Select either Typical or Custom. If Custom is selected, ensure that Voicemail Pro Campaigns Web is
selected in the list of components.
If the Voicemail Pro server software is already installed:
· Modify the installed components and ensure that Voicemail Pro Campaigns Web is selected in the list of
Windows 2003 Server
The following configuration changes are required for IIS version 6 after installation of the Voicemail Pro web campaigns
Open the Windows Control Panel.
Select Administrative Tools | Computer Management.
Go to Services and Applications | IIS Manager | Web Sites | Default Web Site.
Under Web Sites, right-click Default Web Site and select Properties.
· Select the Home Directory tab.
· Under Application Settings section, set the Execute Permissions to Scripts and Executables.
· Click OK twice.
Under Web Sites, go to Web Service Extensions.
Right-click and select Add a new web service extension....
· Set the following values:
· Extension Name: campaigns.
· Required files: Click Add. Select the file type as CGI exe files and browse to the campaign.exe file
location specified during installation. This is usually c:\InetPub\wwwroot\scripts\campaign.exe or c:
· Set extension status to Allowed.
· Press OK.