Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 336
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
6.6 UMS Web Voicemail
The URL will be that of the voicemail server PC plus /voicemail. This will display the web voicemail login page.
Logon using your user name and voicemail code as set on the IP Office system. The System Administrator can
change these if necessary.
ยท Note: This is the user name set in the IP Office and used by Voicemail Pro. It is not the full name that is shown
on phones and used by IP Office Phone Manager and SoftConsole if set.
Note that multiple failures to login correctly can cause your access to Web Voicemail to be locked for 1 hour. If
necessary Web Voicemail access can be unlocked using the Voicemail Pro administration client (select Users,
right click on the user marked as Account Locked in the Web Voicemail column, enter a new password for the user
and click OK).
The interface shows the messages in your mailbox. Note that it is not updated in realtime. To check if new messages have
arrived in your mailbox since starting Web Voicemail, refresh the browser view using the browser controls. Similarly
changes to the IP Office configuration such as new or deleted users and groups are not shown until you refresh the
browser view.
The columns can be sorted by clicking on the column title. The currently selected sort column is shown by a V symbol next
to it.