
Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 239
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Actions: Miscellaneous Actions
4.8.5 Post Dial
The Post Dial action can be used to connect another extension to a specified call flow start point or to play a
recording to that extension.
Click the Miscellaneous Actions icon and select Post Dial.
The General , Entry Prompts , Reporting and Results tabs are standard tabs available to all
In the Specific tab, complete the fields with relevant details.
· Post action
Select this option if you want the connect a target extension to a selected call flow.
· Post wave file
Select this option if you want the target extension to be played a selected wav file. When Post wave file is
selected there are two options which can be selected.
· Play out a looped wave file
The wav file will be played in a continuous loop.
· Delete the wave file after completion
The wav file will be deleted after it has been played.
· Post the following action or wave file
Enter the name of the required start point or use the browse button to select the start point. To play a
recording, enter c:\mywavs\hello.wav (substitute the appropriate file path and file name for the .wav file
you want played).
· To extension
Enter or select the extension to which the call should be made. The voicemail server will attempt to make the
call every 5 minutes for the next hour until successful. The Post Dial action can be used to page a .wav file to
an extension number, including group extension numbers. This is done by entering PAGE: followed by the
target extension number. In this case the wav file will not loop if selected.
This action has the following result which can be connected to a further action:
· Next
Connect the result to the required action.
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