Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 354
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6 GetMessageStatus Method
This method can be used to obtain the state of the message within a mailbox.
Voice.GetMessageStatus(mailbox, message)
· mailbox (String)
The mailbox to which the message belongs.
· message
The message to query. The message name format should be [Accounts]\mailbox\message.
For example [Accounts]\Extn247\MSG00004.
The state of the message within the mailbox - N for new, O for old, S for saved. (String) GetName Method
This method is used to obtain the $NAM session variable.
· dlgid (Long. Default = 0)
The connection for the voicemail session.
The value of the $NAM session variable associated with the specified voicemail session. (String) GetNewMsgs Method
This method is used to obtain the number of new messages contained within the session’s mailbox.
· dlgid (Long. Default = 0)
The connection for the voicemail session.
The number of new messages contained within the session’s mailbox. (Long) GetOldMsgs Method
This method is used to obtain the number of old messages contained within the session’s mailbox.
· dlgid (Long. Default = 0)
The connection for the voicemail session.
The number of old messages contained within the session’s mailbox. (Long) GetPositionInQueue Method
This method is used to obtain the $QPOS session variable.
· dlgid (Long. Default = 0)
The connection for the voicemail session.
The value of the $QPOS session variable associated with the specified voicemail session. (String)