Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 362
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6 Register Method
This method is used to determine whether the voicemail session that was used to launch the VB script is still active.
· dlgid (Long. Default = 0)
The connection for the voicemail session.
A Boolean variable indicating whether the specified voicemail session is still active. (Boolean)
Sub Main (dlgid)
dim registration
Set Voice = CreateObject("vmprov5.voicescript")
registration = Voice.Register(dlgid)
if registration Then
do something.
end if
End Sub SetLocale Method
This method is used to set the $LOC session variable.
Voice.SetLocale(locale, [dlgid])
· locale (String)
The new value for the $LOC variable.
· dlgid (Long. Default = 0)
The connection for the voicemail session.
This method does not return a value. SetMailboxMessage Method
This method is used to change the status of a message within a mailbox.
Voice.SetMailboxMessage(mailbox, message, msgtype)
· mailbox (String)
The mailbox to which the message belongs.
· message (String)
The message to modify. The message name format should be [Accounts]\
mailbox\message. For example [Accounts]\Extn247\MSG00004.
· msgtype (String)
The type for the message(s). N for new, O for old and S for saved.
This method does not return a value. SetRegister Method
This method is used to store a string in one of the sixteen session data variables $CP0 to $CP15.
Voice.SetRegister(regnum, data, [dlgid])
· regnum (Long)
Data register to use for storage (0-15).
· data (String)
The data to store within this register.
· dlgid (Long. Default = 0)
The connection for the voicemail session.
This method does not return a value.