Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 53
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Installing Voicemail Pro: Centralized Voicemail Pro
2.5.1 Centralized Voicemail
Within a Small Community Network, a single Voicemail Pro server can be used to provide voicemail features for all the IP
Offices in the SCN.
One IP Office is configured for operation with the Voicemail Pro server as normal, including the license for voicemail
operation and the features required. This IP Office is then regarded as the central IP Office for voicemail.
Within the other IP Office systems, the voicemail settings are configured to indicate that they get their voicemail services
from the central IP Office. These IP Offices do not need licenses for voicemail (except for ContactStore and or UMS if
Summary of IP Office Settings
Once the IP Office SCN has been setup, the following settings are used in the IP Office systems to provide voicemail
operation for all the IP Offices.
Set to the voicemail server PC's IP address.
Set to the Outgoing Group ID of the H323
Line to the central IP Office.
This system needs licenses for all the
Voicemail Pro features required.
The other IP Offices only require licenses for
UMS and or for ContactStore if required.
When accessing a voicemail server that is acting as centralized voicemail server, the Voicemail Pro will display
Centralized Voicemail in the title bar.