Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 42
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
User and Browser Requirements
For users to access Web Voicemail they require a web browser that meets the following requirements:
· o Javascript Enabled Web Browser
Web Voicemail is tested against the following browsers. Other browser may work so long as they support JavaScript
and CSS.
· Internet Explorer V6 SP1 or higher.
· Internet Explorer V7 or higher.
· Mozilla Firefox V2.0.0.2 or higher.
· Opera V9.10 or higher.
· PC Playback
Browser access allows the selection of message playback either via an IP Office extension or through the web
browser. Avaya test browser playback using the following Windows media players:
· Windows Media Player 10.
· Windows Media Player 11.
· Quick Time 7.4.
· VLC 0.8.
· o User Name and Password
Once enabled for UMS Web Services in the IP Office configuration, to log on using Web Voicemail, the user will need
to know their Name and Voicemail Code as set in the IP Office configuration. Note that this is the Name and not
the Full Name.
Voicemail Pro Software Installation with Web Voicemail Component
The Web Voicemail component is installed as part of a Custom Voicemail Pro installation. From the list of
Verify that IIS is installed and running on the voicemail server PC. Check that it can be browsed from user PC's.
· While the server can be browsed by IP address, the URL used by users will be based on the server's computer
name within the customer domain. Check that web server can be browsed from user PC's using the server's
computer name as part of the URL. If necessary change that name to accurately indicate its function.
Insert the IP Office Applications DVD. Click on the link for Voicemail Pro and then double-click on setup.exe.
The Choose Setup Language window opens.
When asked for the type of Voicemail Pro install to perform, select Voicemail Pro (Full).
On the next screen select Custom.
In the list of components scroll down and select Web Voicemail. Do not change any of the other selections unless
you understand the requirements for those components.
Follow the remainder of the installation process and allow the voicemail server to reboot when required.
Licensing IP Office for Web Services
UMS web services can be licensed in a number of ways by licenses added to the IP Office configuration:
· User Licensing
User licensing is done as follows.
· Users whose Profile is set to Teleworker User or Power User can be enabled to UMS if required. This
requires Teleworker Profile or Power User Profile licenses.
· User's whose Profile is set to Basic User can be licensed using legacy UMS Web Services licenses.
· Hunt Group Licensing
Hunt groups are licensed by UMS Web Services licenses.
Start IP Office Manager.
Receive the configuration from the IP Office associated with the Voicemail Pro server.
In the Licenses section, add the required licenses.
Merge the configuration back to the IP Office and then receive the configuration again.