Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 185
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Actions: Basic Actions Arithmetic Evaluation
This Generic option allows an arithmetic operation to be performed on call variables. The result is then stored in a
selected call variable . For non-numeric values the string can be changed using the String Manipulation option.
· Select Generic command: Arithmetic Evaluation
· Select Variable For Result
Select the call variable into which the result of the arithmetic calculation should be stored.
· Enter Expression to evalute
The string entered here can include numeric values, other call variables such as $KEY and the following
arithmetic operators in addition to ( and ) brackets:
· * = Multiply by.
· / = Divide by.
· % = Modulus (remainder after division)
· + = Add.
· – = Subtract.
· ^ = Bitwise exclusive or (XOR). Does a binary comparison of the decimal inputs, returning a 1 for
each bit if only one of the corresponding input bits is 1, otherwise returning 0 for the bit.
· If the values being evaluated are integers (for example 123), the result will be an absolute integer value.
For example 123/2 will result in 61.
· If any value being evaluated is a decimal (for example 123.0), the result will be a 6 decimal place value.
For example 123.0/2 will result in 61.500000.
Free Format Equivalent
This action creates a free format similar to EVAL:$CP0=$CP1+$CP2+5. In this example the current values of $CP1, $CP2
plus 5 are added and then stored as $CP0.
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