Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 441
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Fax Calls Using
Routing 393
Fax Forwarding 392
Fax Server Configuration 389
Fax Sub-Addressing 99, 390
Fax Use 394
faxnumber>@faxination.com 392
faxnumber>@faxmaker.com 392
faxnumber>@rightfax.com 392
faxnumber>@zfconnector.com 392
FaxPress 395
February 404, 418
Fenestrae Faxination 389, 392
file routing 385
finished working 124
FireEventTracing 116
First In-First 103
Follow Me 213, 305, 404, 418
For help press 404
Force Account Code 261, 262, 265, 269, 274, 285, 306,
375, 376
ForwardMsg 350
ForwardMsg Method 350
ForwardMsgToMailbox 350
ForwardMsgToMailbox Method 350
fr” 346
Français 303
Full Name 317, 374
Changing 377
FullFilename 351
FullFilename Method 351
Func 285
FWD 184
General Configuration/system 105, 313
General Configuration/System Preferences 105, 313
General System Preferences
Changing 99
Generic Action 157, 172, 184, 305
includes 273
Generic Text
Installing 82
Speech 82
generic Text To Speech 82
Generic TTS 82
Get Mail Action 152, 172, 205, 299, 303, 304, 310
GetCallingParty 351
GetCallingParty Method 351
GetDTMF 351
GetDTMF Method 351
GetEstimatedAnswer 351
GetEstimatedAnswer Method 351
GetExtension 352
GetExtension Method 352
GetLocale 352
GetLocale Method 352
GetMailbox 352
GetMailbox Method 352
GetMailboxMessage 353
GetMailboxMessage Method 353
GetMailboxMessages 353
GetMailboxMessages Method 353
GetMessagePriority 353
GetMessagePriority Method 353
GetMessagePrivate 353
GetMessagePrivate Method 353
GetMessageStatus 354
GetMessageStatus Method 354
GetName 354
GetName Method 354
GetNewMsgs 354
GetNewMsgs Method 354
GetOldMsgs 354
GetOldMsgs Method 354
GetPositionInQueue 354
GetPositionInQueue Method 354
GetRegister 355
GetRegister Method 355
GetResult 355
GetResult Method 355
GetSavedMsgs 355
GetSavedMsgs Method 355
GetSavedResult 355
GetSavedResult Method 355
GetVariable 356
GetVariable Method 356
Gfi FAXMaker 389, 392
Give Error Messages
Using Voicemail 317
Goto 172
Add 202, 377
Goto Action 172, 202, 377
Access 383
Group Broadcast
Configuring 273
Group Mailbox Names 26
Group Start Points 264
H<Group Name 93
Help button
clicking 250
help press 404
Hide To Column 336
HMain 93, 272
Home Action 172, 203
Hours Fallback Group
Out 275
Hours Greeting 418
Out 275
hours greeting press 418
Hours Operation 275
Housekeeping 103
Select 316
Housekeeping tab 103, 316
Hunt Group Call Flow
Customizing 280
Hunt Group Configuration 94
Hunt Group Mailbox Owners 279
Hunt Group Queuing 207, 279
Hunt Group Voicemail Indication 93
HuntGroup 94, 273, 276, 279, 290
huntgroupconfiguration.htm 94
ID 200 263
ident 350
ident As String 350
Voicemail Server PC 88