Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 353
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Examples: Using VB Script GetMailboxMessage Method
This method can be used to obtain a message within a mailbox.
Voice.GetMailboxMessage(mailbox, msgtype, index)
· mailbox (String)
The mailbox to which the message belongs.
· msgtype (String)
The type for the message(s). N for new, O for old and S for saved.
· index
The message to return.
The message at that position within the list, an empty string if end of list. (String) GetMailboxMessages Method
This method can be used to obtain the count of specific messages within a mailbox.
Voice.GetMailboxMessages(mailbox, msgtype)
· mailbox (String)
The mailbox to which the message belongs.
· msgtype (String)
The type for the message(s). N for new, O for old and S for saved.
The number of messages of a particular type within the mailbox. (String) GetMessagePriority Method
This method is used to determine whether the message was left with priority.
Voice.GetMessagePriority(mailbox, message)
· mailbox (String)
The mailbox to which the message belongs.
· message
The message to query.
True if the message was left with priority, otherwise false. (Boolean) GetMessagePrivate Method
This method can be used to determine whether the message was left with privacy.
Voice.GetMessagePrivate(mailbox, message)
· mailbox (String)
The mailbox to which the message belongs.
· message
The message to query.
True if the message was left with privacy, otherwise false. (Boolean)