Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 193
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Actions: Basic Actions Generic Free Format Command
This Generic action option allows the direct entry of generic commands. If the action has been previously used to setup
using a specific type of generic command, the resulting free format text string for that command is shown and can be
edited if required.
Details for many free format commands are included in the sections on other Generic action commands. In addition the
following commands can be used:
· Save a Value: Save:<value>
This generic command can be used to replace the value of the call variable $SAV with a specified value. For
example Save:$KEY or Save:1234.
· Forward a Message: FWD:<ext1>#<ext2>##
This option can be used with a generic action that is proceeded by an action that records a message such as a
Voice Question or Edit Play List action. It then forwards the message to another mailbox or mailboxes. Each
extension number should be followed by a # plus an additional # at the end of the string.