Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 349
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Examples: Using VB Script SavedMsgs Property
The SavedMsgs property returns the number of saved messages contained within the session mailbox.
· Owning object: vmprov5.voicescript
· String:
· Set: This property is read-only.
· Get: The number of saved messages within the mailbox. For example: Number = Voice.SavedMsgs SavedResult Property
The SavedResult property gets and sets the $SAV voicemail call variable.
· Owning object: vmprov5.voicescript
· String:
· Set: A string object that contains the new value for the $SAV variable. For example: Voice.SavedResult = String
· Get: A string object containing the current value for $SAV. For example: String = Voice.SavedResult Variable Property
The Variable property gets and sets the $VAR voicemail call variable.
· Owning object: vmprov5.voicescript
· String:
· Set: A string object that contains the new value for the $VAR variable. For example: Voice.Variable = String
· Get: A string object containing the current value for $VAR. For example: String = Voice.Variable