Using Play List: Play List Function
Using Play List
7. Filename
Shows the number of the P2 card slot where the
current play list is stored and its filename.
8. Start TC
Displays the start time code value for changing the
time code during playback.
Indicates the remaining time available for voice-over
A play list not saved to a P2 card is indicated in gray
and has no time indication.
10.P2 card slot status
Displays P2 card and USB hard disk status.
➝Refer to “Thumbnail Screen Names and Functions”
(page 43).
11.Play list IN and OUT point indication
Indicates the IN and OUT points of the play list
(recorder) in (green) and 5 (pink), respectively
during overwrite mode. The indicators do not appear if
no IN/OUT points is registered. When the IN and OUT
points of the play list is not registered (not yet finalized,
for example), 5 (gray) is used.
12.Event IN/OUT point thumbnail
Indicates the thumbnails at the event IN/OUT points.
This indication appears only when there is enough
space in the timeline.
13.INSERT mode
Indicates currently set insert mode (selected by the
14.Overwrite track indication
Indicates INPUT menu settings in overwrite edit mode.
15.Source IN/OUT points
Indicates source (player) IN point, OUT point, TC and
thumbnails. Items that are not registered are hidden.
16.Duration indication
Shows the length of events for which overwrite edit is
in unfinalized status.
17.Playback location
Indicates the current playback location by (yellow).
Next playback starts from this location.
18.Scale indication
Indicates the timeline scale. The time for one
graduation is indicated on the left.
Names can be attached and to play lists and the name
can be displayed.
P2 card slot number: Filename
P2 cards slot and file name
are displayed in white:
Filename is gray: The file can be loaded
but not edited. To edit
such a file, store it on a
P2 card to enable
P2 card slot number is red: The card storing the
saved file is not
The file stored on a P2
card cannot be found.
INSERT: Insert edit mode
Adds and edits events.
OVERWRITE: Overwrite mode
Overwrites the track set by the INPUT
TRACK menu at the designated
position in the play list.
V: Overwrites VIDEO and AUDIO.
EX: Overwrites EXTRA
V EX: Overwrites VIDEO, AUDIO and